7月,联合王国邮政局因银行分行关闭,办理了3.7亿英镑的现金交易。 In July, UK Post Office processed £3.7bn in cash transactions due to bank branch closures.
7月,联合王国邮政局处理现金交易37亿英镑,创下纪录,原因是自2015年以来关闭了6 000多个银行分行。 In July, the Post Office in the UK processed a record £3.7 billion in cash transactions, driven by the closure of over 6,000 bank branches since 2015. 由于平均每月关闭50次,许多客户正向邮政局求助,以满足银行业务需求。 With an average of 50 closures monthly, many customers are turning to the Post Office for banking needs. 虽然已经建立了70个银行枢纽,以提供基本服务,但推广工作因太慢而受到批评。 While 70 banking hubs have been established to provide basic services, the rollout is criticized for being too slow. 邮局继续从地平线信息技术丑闻中恢复过来,维持了大约1 000万次每周访问。 The Post Office continues to recover from the Horizon IT scandal, maintaining about 10 million weekly visits.