新西兰邮政工人抗议计划用社区点取代个人信箱。 New Zealand postal workers protest plan to replace individual mailboxes with communal points.
新西兰邮政工人联盟正在反对新西兰邮政局将邮件发送从个人家庭信箱转至社区点的计划。 The New Zealand Postal Workers Union is fighting NZ Post's plan to shift mail delivery from individual household letterboxes to communal points. 工会认为,这项行动排除了那些无法上网的人,认为NZ Post在改变之前必须与社区协商。 The union argues this move excludes those without internet access and believes NZ Post must consult with communities before making changes. 他们呼吁住户和社区团体提供支持,以抵制这些拟议的变革。 They are calling for support from householders and community groups to resist these proposed changes.