新奥尔良的狗Scrim躲避捕捉, 成为本地英雄, New Orleans dog Scrim evades capture, becoming a local hero with a dedicated online following.
在新奥尔良,一只17磅重的狗Scrim 已经成为当地英雄,因为逃离避难所后躲避了俘虏。 In New Orleans, a 17-pound dog named Scrim has become a local hero by evading capture since escaping from a shelter. 由米歇尔·切拉米率领的一支小组携带夜视望远镜、蚊帐和麻醉步枪,试图抓捕Scrim,将他安置在安全的家中。 Armed with night-vision binoculars, nets, and a tranquilizer rifle, a team led by Michelle Cheramie has been trying to catch Scrim to place him in a safe home. 尽管每天都有目击事件和高科技工具,但 Scrim 仍然逍遥法外,激发了一批忠实的在线追随者。 Despite daily sightings and high-tech tools, Scrim remains at large, inspiring a dedicated online following. 有些支持者认为他应该自由生活, 但Cheramie考虑将他与其他狗一同安置在避难所。 Some supporters argue he should live freely, but Cheramie considers placing him in a sanctuary with other dogs.