消防员从休斯顿的一座桥下救出了一只奇华娃;后来它被一个证人收养. Firefighters rescued a Chihuahua from under a bridge in Houston; it was later adopted by a witness.
在黑色星期五,来自休斯顿两个消防站的消防员在休斯顿植物园的一座行人桥下救出一只吉娃娃。 On Black Friday, firefighters from two Houston fire stations rescued a Chihuahua stuck under a pedestrian bridge at the Houston Botanic Garden. 这只小狗被一名地勤人员发现,并被一名进入水中的消防员救出。 The small dog was spotted by a groundskeeper and rescued by a firefighter who entered the water. 奇瓦瓦的主人身份不明 后来被一位证人收养了 The Chihuahua's owner is unknown, and it was later adopted by a witness.