高级警察局为危机支助和执法互动引入治疗犬Mille。 Superior Police Department introduces therapy dog Millie for crisis support & law enforcement interaction.
威斯康星州高级警察局引进了米莉,这是一只5个月的治疗狗,在危机局势中提供援助。 The Superior Police Department in Wisconsin has introduced Millie, a five-month-old therapy dog, to assist in crisis situations. Millie与Jen Stank官员合作,旨在支持面临心理健康问题、无家可归和药物滥用的个人,同时帮助儿童在执法时感到更舒服。 Partnered with Officer Jen Stank, Millie aims to support individuals facing mental health issues, homelessness, and substance abuse, while also helping children feel more comfortable around law enforcement. 市长Jim Paine强调米莉作为该市大使的角色, 反映出自2000年代初以来美国警察部门越来越多地使用治疗犬。 Mayor Jim Paine emphasizes Millie's role as an ambassador for the city, reflecting the growing use of therapy dogs in U.S. police departments since the early 2000s.