从德克萨斯州一个疑似斗狗场救来的11只狗 现在已经准备好被收养了 Eleventy rescued dogs from a suspected dogfighting ring in Texas are now ready for adoption.
在德克萨斯州泰勒的一次疑似斗狗行动中获救的11只狗现已准备接受收养。 Eleven dogs rescued from a suspected dogfighting operation in Tyler, Texas, are now ready for adoption. 9月在恶劣条件下发现,这些狗营养不良并被捆绑。 Found in poor conditions in September, the dogs were malnourished and chained. 史密斯县动物管制局改造了他们,两名嫌疑人正在候审。 Smith County Animal Control rehabilitated them, and two suspects are awaiting trial. 收容所着重宣传狗改善健康和友善的人格,鼓励收养。 The shelter highlights the dogs' improved health and friendly personalities, encouraging adoption.