卡拉奇学校和学院运作正常,而巴基斯坦其他学校和学院则因纪念2014年白沙瓦袭击而关闭。 Karachi schools and colleges operate normally, while others in Pakistan shut to commemorate the 2014 Peshawar attack.
信德省卡拉奇的学校和学院将于12月16日正常运作,举办特别活动纪念2014年白沙瓦陆军公立学校袭击事件。 Schools and colleges in Karachi, Sindh, will operate normally on December 16th, holding special events to commemorate the 2014 Army Public School attack in Peshawar. 与此相反,伊斯兰堡、拉合尔和拉瓦尔品第的教育机构将被关闭,有可能为这次袭击的受害者致敬。 In contrast, educational institutions in Islamabad, Lahore, and Rawalpindi will be closed, likely to honor the victims of that attack. 大部分地区的大学将保持开放。 Universities will remain open in most areas. 封锁的目的是向袭击的受害者表示声援,尽管关闭的具体原因没有完全披露。 The closures aim to express solidarity with the attack's victims, though specific reasons for the closures were not fully disclosed.