伊斯兰堡学校将取消星期六的假期,直到2025年2月1日,以恢复损失的教学时间。 Islamabad schools will eliminate Saturday holidays until Feb 1, 2025, to recover lost instructional time.
巴基斯坦联邦教育局决定结束伊斯兰堡中小学和学院的星期六假期, 直至2025年2月1日, 以弥补因抗议导致学校频繁关闭而损失的课时。 Pakistan's Federal Directorate of Education has decided to end the Saturday holiday in Islamabad's schools and colleges until February 1, 2025, to make up for lost academic time due to frequent school closures caused by protests. 这一改变旨在确保学生尽管受到干扰,仍能跟上课程。 This change aims to ensure students can keep up with their curriculum despite disruptions. 以前,伊斯兰堡教育机构在星期六和星期日都休周末假。 Previously, educational institutions in Islamabad had weekends off on both Saturday and Sunday.