由于暴风雨即将来临,泰米尔纳德邦和普杜切里的中小学和学院于11月27日关闭。 Schools and colleges in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry close on Nov. 27 due to impending cyclonic storm.
泰米尔纳德邦和普杜切里邦多个区的学校和学院于11月27日关闭,原因是降雨量大以及孟加拉湾可能发生暴风雨。 Schools and colleges in multiple districts of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry are closed on November 27 due to heavy rainfall and the potential development of a cyclonic storm in the Bay of Bengal. 一些大学的考试也被推迟。 Exams in several universities have also been postponed. 当局已发出警告,并正在准备采取救济措施,因为预计暴风雨将带来暴雨和可能发生的水灾。 Authorities have issued warnings and are preparing relief measures as the storm is expected to bring heavy rains and possible flooding.