约旦总理总理在访问全国37个地点后推出了71项新倡议, 重点是公民参与。 Jordan's PM launches 71 new initiatives after visiting 37 sites nationwide, focusing on citizen engagement.
约旦总理贾法尔·哈桑访问了全国37个地点,从而在卫生、教育和农业等各个部门提出了71项新的发展倡议。 Jordan's Prime Minister, Jaafar Hassan, visited 37 sites across the country, leading to 71 new development initiatives across various sectors including health, education, and agriculture. 总理府报告说,26项倡议已经完成,其余45项倡议的工作正在进行中。 The Prime Ministry reports that 26 initiatives have been completed, with work ongoing on the remaining 45. 哈桑强调政府直接与公民接触,为发展决策提供信息。 Hassan emphasizes direct government engagement with citizens to inform development decisions.