约旦推出了促进增长、吸引投资、提高生活水平的经济方案。 Jordan unveils economic program to boost growth, attract investment, and improve living standards.
约旦政府已启动全面经济计划, 旨在促进增长、提高生活水平、克服区域政治挑战, Jordan's government has launched a comprehensive economic program aimed at boosting growth, improving living standards, and overcoming regional political challenges. 关键措施包括刺激间接支出、减少贸易赤字、吸引投资和支持公民的购买力。 Key measures include stimulating indirect spending, reducing the trade deficit, attracting investments, and supporting citizens' purchasing power. 该方案还包括“国家承运人”和铁路扩展等主要项目,并与包括8个引擎和35个部门的经济现代化愿景相一致。 The program also includes major projects like the "National Carrier" and a railway expansion, and aligns with the Economic Modernization Vision, which encompasses eight engines and 35 sectors.