约旦首相比舍尔·哈萨瓦内(Bisher Khasawneh)在加沙紧张局势中伊斯兰主义者在选举中获胜后辞职。 Jordan's PM Bisher Khasawneh resigns after Islamist gains in election amid Gaza tensions.
约旦总理比舍尔·哈苏奈(Bisher Khasawneh)在议会选举后辞职, Jordan's Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh resigned shortly after a parliamentary election that saw gains for the Islamist opposition, amid rising tensions related to the Gaza conflict. 阿卜杜拉国王办公室现任主任贾法尔·哈桑将接替他。 Jaafar Hassan, currently head of King Abdullah's office, is poised to succeed him. 在经历了十年的低迷增长之后,哈萨瓦内政府专注于经济改革,但新议会中由伊斯兰主义者领导的反对派可能会挑战这些努力和现有的外交政策。 Khasawneh's administration focused on economic reforms following a decade of sluggish growth, but the new parliament's Islamist-led opposition could challenge these efforts and existing foreign policies.