约旦总理与艺术家领袖会面, 讨论对创作和文化角色的支持。 Jordan's PM meets artists' leader to discuss support for creatives and cultural roles.
贾法尔·哈桑总理会见了约旦艺术家协会会长Mohammad Abbadi, 讨论支持艺术家及其在约旦文化舞台上的角色。 Prime Minister Jafar Hassan met with Mohammad Abbadi, head of the Jordanian Artists Association, to discuss supporting artists and their role in Jordan's cultural scene. 哈桑强调了国家戏剧和州一级创造性个人奖的重要性。 Hassan emphasized the importance of national drama and state-level awards for creative individuals. 会议还讨论了与该协会的法律和对年轻艺术家的支持有关的问题。 The meeting also covered issues related to the association's law and the support for young artists. 通信、政治事务和文化部部长出席了会议。 Ministers of Communication, Political Affairs, and Culture attended.