日本首席执行官敦促日本增加移民,应对人口下降带来的经济挑战。 Japanese CEO urges Japan to increase immigration to combat economic challenges from population decline.
日本零食公司卡梅达·塞卡(Kameda Seika Seika)印度出生的首席执行官莱赫·朱贾敦促日本接受更多移民来刺激其经济。 Indian-born CEO of Japanese snack company Kameda Seika, Lekh Juneja, urges Japan to accept more immigrants to boost its economy. 预计日本人口在今后50年内将下降近三分之一,劳动力将减少。 Japan's population is projected to drop by nearly a third over the next 50 years, with a shrinking workforce. 一项研究表明,为了维持经济增长,日本需要到2040年将其外国工人的人数翻三番,到2040年增加到688万人。 A study suggests Japan needs to triple its foreign workers to 6.88 million by 2040 to maintain economic growth. 在日本生活了35年多的Juja表示, 国家必须克服语言障碍, 采取更加全球的思维方式, Juneja, who has lived in Japan for over 35 years, says the country must overcome language barriers and adopt a more global mindset to ensure future success.