Jamie McAdam因在受影响期间殴打医院工作人员被判处14个月监禁。 Jamie McAdam sentenced to 14 months for assaulting hospital staff while under influence.
Jamie McAdam, 36岁,因在威尔士Glan Clwyd医院袭击四名医院工作人员被判处14个月监禁。 Jamie McAdam, 36, was sentenced to 14 months in prison for assaulting four hospital staff at Glan Clwyd Hospital in Wales. McAdam在吸毒和酗酒的影响下,辱骂、向工作人员吐口水和拳打脚踢,谎称他患有肝炎,并企图对一名护士涂血。 McAdam, under the influence of drugs and alcohol, verbally abused, spat at, and punched staff, falsely claiming he had hepatitis and attempting to smear blood on a nurse. 尽管McAdam有药物滥用和精神健康问题的历史,但法官强调了医院环境中攻击的严重性,导致立即监禁。 The judge emphasized the severity of the assaults in a hospital setting, leading to immediate imprisonment despite McAdam's history of substance abuse and mental health issues.