孟加拉国中央银行预测,到2025年6月,通货膨胀将降至7%,到2026年将降至5%以下。 Bangladesh's central bank forecasts inflation will drop to 7% by June 2025, below 5% by 2026.
孟加拉国中央银行行长预计到2025年6月通货膨胀率将从目前的11.38%下降到7%,到2026年降至5%以下。 Bangladesh's central bank governor expects inflation to drop to 7% by June 2025 and below 5% by 2026, from the current 11.38%. 通货膨胀上升主要是由于受洪水影响的粮食价格。 The rise in inflation is mainly due to food prices, affected by floods. 为了缓解通货膨胀,政府已取消了对基本食品的进口税,银行也收紧了货币政策。 To ease inflation, the government has removed import duties on essential food items, and the bank has tightened monetary policies. 然而,国际放款人和当地经济学家持怀疑态度,警告说过度紧缩可能阻碍经济增长。 However, international lenders and local economists are skeptical, warning that over-tightening could stall economic growth.