菲律宾的通胀率在2024年8月降至3.3%, Philippine inflation decreased to 3.3% in August 2024, within the government target of 2%-4%.
菲律宾的通胀率从7月的4.4%降至2024年8月的3.3%, Philippine inflation decreased to 3.3% in August 2024, down from 4.4% in July, remaining within the government target of 2% to 4%. 下降的原因是食品和饮料价格以及运输费用上涨减缓。 The decline is attributed to slower price increases in food and beverages, as well as transport costs. 促成因素包括恶劣天气导致电费和农产品价格上涨。 Contributing factors include higher electricity rates and agricultural prices due to adverse weather. 然而,放松石油价格和降低大米关税可能进一步有助于降低通货膨胀,使低收入家庭受益。 However, easing oil prices and reduced tariffs on rice may further help lower inflation, benefiting low-income households.