阿塞拜疆中央银行预测2024年底通货膨胀率为5.1%,2025年为5.8%。 Azerbaijan's Central Bank predicts inflation rates of 5.1% by year-end 2024 and 5.8% for 2025.
阿塞拜疆中央银行预测,该国通货膨胀到2024年底将达到5.1%,到2025年将达到5.8%。 Azerbaijan's Central Bank predicts the country's inflation will reach 5.1% by the end of 2024 and 5.8% by 2025. 总统卡齐莫夫(Taleh Kazimov)在议会会议上揭露此事, 指出银行已放松货币政策, Chairman Taleh Kazimov revealed this during a parliamentary meeting, stating the bank has eased monetary policy to reduce inflationary pressures. 该银行的战略也包括稳定金融市场。 The bank's strategy also includes stabilizing financial markets. Kazimov补充说,提高马纳特的汇率可有助于降低通货膨胀率。 Kazimov added that enhancing the manat's exchange rate could help lower inflation.