由于粮食价格下跌,孟加拉国的通货膨胀率降至9.94%,目标是到6月达到6-7%。 Bangladesh's inflation rate drops to 9.94%, driven by lower food prices, aiming for 6-7% by June.
孟加拉国的通货膨胀率从12月的10.89%下降到1月的9.94%,主要原因是食品通货膨胀率下降。 Bangladesh's inflation rate dropped to 9.94% in January, down from 10.89% in December, primarily due to a decrease in food inflation. 食品价格从12月的12.92%下降到1月的10.72%,而非食品通货膨胀略微上升到9.32%。 Food prices fell to 10.72% in January from 12.92% in December, while non-food inflation slightly increased to 9.32%. 财政顾问Salehuddin Ahmed博士对进一步削减持乐观态度,在政府采取措施并与银行讨论确保基本商品供应后,到6月将削减6%至7%。 Finance Adviser Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed is optimistic about further reductions, aiming for 6-7% by June, following government measures and discussions with banks to ensure supply of essential commodities.