在卡尔加里,一名12岁男孩在无标志的十字路口被一辆汽车击中,受重伤。 A 12-year-old boy was hit by a car at an unmarked crosswalk in Calgary, suffering severe injuries.
周五早上7时40分左右,一名12岁男孩在卡尔加里Belmont社区的无标志十字路口被一辆汽车撞伤,他受重伤。 A 12-year-old boy was severely injured after being hit by a car at an unmarked crosswalk in Calgary's Belmont community on Friday morning around 7:40 a.m. 这名司机、一名30多岁的妇女和一名乘客也被带往医院,伤势轻微。 The driver, a woman in her 30s, and a passenger were also taken to the hospital with minor injuries. 这次碰撞涉及一辆红色的2020年丰田Corolla,警察正在调查该事件。 The collision involved a red 2020 Toyota Corolla, and police are investigating the incident. 速度、酒精和毒品均不被视为因素。 Speed, alcohol, and drugs are not considered factors. 警方要求任何有情报或录像的人站出来。 Police request anyone with information or footage to come forward.