在Naniimo十字路口被SUV击中的妇女;司机仍在现场,没有被怀疑使用毒品/酒精,调查仍在进行中。 Woman struck by SUV in Nanaimo crosswalk; driver remains at scene, not suspected of drug/alcohol use, investigation ongoing.
上午 8 点 30 分左右,一名妇女在不列颠哥伦比亚省纳奈莫的哈蒙德湾路人行横道上被一辆 SUV 撞倒后受重伤。 A woman was seriously injured after being struck by an SUV in a crosswalk on Hammond Bay Road in Nanaimo, B.C., around 8:30 a.m. 仍在现场的司机没有被怀疑吸毒或酗酒,速度也不是一个因素。 The driver, who remained at the scene, is not suspected of drug or alcohol use, nor is speed a factor. 目击者报告说,该车辆没有停下。 Witnesses reported that the vehicle failed to stop. 受害者在现场接受治疗,并被送往医院。 The victim was treated on-site and taken to the hospital. 纳纳摩 RCMP 正在寻找证人和仪表盘摄像头的录像, Nanaimo RCMP is seeking witnesses and dashcam footage for their ongoing investigation.