芝加哥交通纠纷发生后 11岁男孩在枪战中手枪中被射中 11-year-old boy shot in hand during shootout following traffic dispute in Chicago.
一名11岁的男孩在芝加哥西北部大道发生轻微交通碰撞后,在枪击中左手中弹。 An 11-year-old boy was shot in the left hand during a shooting that followed a minor traffic collision on North Western Avenue in Chicago. 事件发生时,司机试图交换资料,一名司机向另一辆车开枪。 The incident occurred when the drivers tried to exchange information, and one driver fired shots at the other vehicle. 男孩是一名乘客,被带往Stroger医院,身体状况良好。 The boy, a passenger, was taken to Stroger Hospital in good condition. 枪手逃离现场,警方正在调查。 The gunman fled the scene, and police are investigating.