在巴基斯坦的一次枪袭中,两名军官受伤;另一名军官在另一次枪击中身亡。 Two officers were injured in a gun attack in Pakistan; another officer was killed in a separate shooting.
星期六晚上,两名警察在对巴基斯坦Shangla区检查站的枪袭中受伤。 Two police officers were injured in a gun attack at a checkpoint in Shangla district, Pakistan, on Saturday night. 事件发生在Buner区附近的穆斯林Kandaw地区。 The incident occurred in Muslim Kandaw, near Buner district. 当地居民将受伤的警官赶到医院,其中一名后来被转移到Swat的Saidu教学医院。 Local residents rushed the injured officers to a hospital, with one later transferred to Saidu Teaching Hospital in Swat. 作为回应,警察发起了一项搜索行动,以抓获袭击者,而针对该区域安全部队的此类事件则有所增加。 In response, police launched a search operation to capture the attackers, amid a rise in such incidents targeting security forces in the region. 另外,在Swat区发生的枪击事件中,一名警官被打死,另一名警官受伤,一名袭击者被打死,搜查行动正在进行。 Separately, a police officer was killed and another injured in a shooting in the Swat district, where one assailant was killed and a search operation is underway.