巴基斯坦西北部一名警察在枪击中丧生。 Policeman killed in firing in North West Pakistan.
巴基斯坦西北部开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省白沙瓦市艾贾扎巴德地区例行巡逻时,一名警察被身份不明的枪手开枪射击,造成一名警察死亡、一人受伤。 In northwestern Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, a policeman was killed and another injured in a shooting by unidentified gunmen during routine patrolling in the Aijazabad area of Peshawar city. 与此同时,在同一省份马尔丹地区,一名高级警官和两名恐怖分子在冲突中丧生,四名警察受伤。 Meanwhile, in the Mardan district of the same province, a senior police official and two terrorists were killed and four policemen injured in a clash. 目前还没有任何组织声称对此次袭击负责。 No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks.