巴基斯坦北部警察局袭击造成 10 名警察死亡。 Attack on police station kills atlase 10 policemenIn North Pakistan.
周一,巴基斯坦西北部一个警察局遭到袭击,造成至少 10 名警察死亡。 On Monday, at least 10 police officers were killed in an attack on a police station in northwest Pakistan. 这次袭击发生在该国大选前几天,30 多名武装分子对开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省的车站发动了袭击。 The attack, which took place just days ahead of the country's general elections, saw over 30 militants launch an assault on the station in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. 该省警察局长阿赫塔尔·哈亚特·甘达普尔证实,袭击者在袭击过程中短暂控制了车站。 The police chief of the province, Akhtar Hayat Gandapur, confirmed that the attackers had briefly seized control of the station during the assault. 另外六名警官在事件中受伤。 Six other officers were injured in the incident.