数十名前美国官员敦促拜登对以色列采取更强硬的立场。 Dozens of former US officials urge Biden to take harder line with Israel.
近 70 名前美国官员、外交官和军官敦促拜登总统警告以色列,如果以色列否认巴勒斯坦人的公民权利和基本需求并扩大约旦河西岸的定居点活动,将会造成严重后果。 Nearly 70 former US officials, diplomats, and military officers urged President Biden to warn Israel of severe consequences if it denies civil rights and essential needs to Palestinians and expands settlement activity in the West Bank. 他们敦促美国准备采取具体行动,包括根据美国法律和政策限制美国对以色列的援助。 They urged the US to be ready to take concrete actions, including restricting US assistance to Israel, in accordance with US law and policy. 该小组包括十多名前大使和其他退休国务院官员、五角大楼、情报部门和白宫官员。 The group included over a dozen former ambassadors and other retired State Department officials, Pentagon, intelligence, and White House officials.