退休后支出下降,表明100万美元可能高估了大多数退休支出。 Retirement spending drops post-retirement, suggesting $1 million may be an overestimation for most.
最近一份报告指出,退休年度支出减少2.7%-3.3%,这表明,通常提到的退休所需100万美元可能被夸大。 A recent report indicates that annual spending decreases by 2.7-3.3% in retirement, suggesting that the commonly cited $1 million needed for retirement may be exaggerated. 相反,更现实的数字可能是大约300 000美元,强调根据个人需要和资产进行个性化退休规划。 Instead, a more realistic figure might be around $300,000, emphasizing personalized retirement planning based on individual needs and assets. 专家根据《规则》第25条提出估算退休储蓄的建议,咨询财务计算师,并编制退休预算。 Experts advise estimating retirement savings using the Rule of 25, consulting financial calculators, and creating a retirement budget. 如果落后,考虑削减开支、推迟退休、增加缴款或从事非全时工作。 If behind, consider cutting expenses, delaying retirement, boosting contributions, or taking part-time work.