45年投资每月1 100美元,回报率为8%,由此节省了500万美元退休储蓄。 45-year investment of $1,100 monthly at 8% return leads to $5 million retirement savings.
美国退休500万美元的情况并不常见,65-74岁人口的平均储蓄为609 000美元。 Retiring with $5 million in the U.S. is uncommon, with average savings for those aged 65-74 at $609,000. 实现这一目标需要节俭的生活方式、早期和持续的储蓄以及多样化的投资。 Achieving this goal requires a frugal lifestyle, early and consistent saving, and diversified investments. 例如,45年来按8%的回报率每月投资1 100美元,收益可超过500万美元。 For instance, investing $1,100 monthly for 45 years at an 8% return can yield over $5 million. 此外,了解退休收入需要和利用社会保障对有效规划至关重要。 Additionally, understanding retirement income needs and leveraging Social Security are essential for effective planning.