退休人员 7 步现金流评估,建议退休前收入的 75-80%。 7-step cash flow assessment for retirees, recommending 75-80% of pre-retirement income.
一篇文章概述了退休人员准确评估其现金流需求的七个基本步骤。 An article outlines seven essential steps for retirees to accurately assess their cash flow needs. 它强调退休人员通常需要其工作收入的 75% 到 80%,但强调个人情况。 It highlights that retirees typically require 75% to 80% of their working income but emphasizes individual circumstances. 关键步骤包括估计退休费用、计算收入来源、为意外成本做准备、考虑通货膨胀、调整投资策略、了解税收影响以及定期审查计划。 Key steps include estimating retirement expenses, calculating income sources, preparing for unexpected costs, factoring in inflation, adjusting investment strategies, understanding tax implications, and regularly reviewing plans. 遵循这些步骤可以带来财务安全的退休生活。 Following these steps can lead to a financially secure retirement.