皇家骑警训练犬中心在人员配备、士气和设施问题方面挣扎,危及军官和警犬的健康。 RCMP's dog training center struggles with staffing, morale, and facility issues, risking health of officers and canines.
皇家骑警队的警犬培训中心面临重大挑战,包括人员短缺、士气低落和基础设施差,对警察和警犬的健康都构成风险。 The RCMP's police dog training center faces significant challenges including staffing shortages, low morale, and poor infrastructure, posing health risks to both officers and canines. 2018-2024年的内部审查突出了诸如冗长的印刷过程、有限的培训资源和工作场所环境的缺陷等问题。 The internal review, spanning 2018-2024, highlights issues like the lengthy imprinting process, limited resources for training, and deficiencies in the workplace environment. 培训中心缺乏适当的设施,影响到狗和搬运工的福利,皇家骑警管理部门提出了改进计划。 The training center lacks proper facilities, affecting the welfare of both dogs and handlers, with plans for improvements outlined by RCMP management.