Nottinghamshire警犬协助逮捕了100多人并收缴了毒品, Nottinghamshire Police dogs aided over 100 arrests and recovered drugs, cash in 700+ deployments this year.
2024年部署了700多次Nottinghamshire警犬,协助逮捕了100多名嫌疑人,追回了大量毒品和现金。 Nottinghamshire Police dogs were deployed over 700 times in 2024, aiding in the arrest of more than 100 suspects and recovering significant amounts of drugs and cash. 得到全国承认的培训狗也帮助找到重要证据。 The dogs, nationally recognized for their training, have also helped find crucial evidence. 今年有五只新狗加入警队,以其非凡的技能为公共安全作出贡献。 Five new dogs have joined the force this year, contributing to public safety with their exceptional skills.