10个新的警察和海关警犬小组从新西兰警察警犬培训中心毕业,负责边境和社区保护。 10 new police and customs dog teams graduate from NZ's Police Dog Training Centre for border and community protection.
10个新的警察和海关警犬队从特伦瑟姆新西兰警犬培训中心毕业,准备保护该国的边境和社区。 10 new police & customs dog teams graduate from New Zealand's Police Dog Training Centre in Trentham, ready to protect the country's borders & communities. 警方和海关5个探测犬小组的5个新的三角洲小组已经完成了广泛的培训,并将部署在中部、丰尼湾、东部、坎特伯雷、奥克兰、克赖斯特彻奇和惠灵顿。 The five new delta teams from police & five detector dog teams from customs have completed extensive training & will be deployed in Central, Bay of Plenty, Eastern, Canterbury, Auckland, Christchurch, & Wellington. 与海关和澳大利亚边防部队的伙伴关系因其在预防犯罪方面取得的成功而受到赞扬。 The partnerships with customs & the Australian Border Force have been praised for their success in crime prevention.