埃塞俄比亚奥罗莫联邦主义者大会被指控煽动对阿姆哈拉的暴力,导致大规模伤亡和性暴力。 Oromo Federalist Congress in Ethiopia accused of inciting violence against Amhara, leading to mass casualties and sexual violence.
埃塞俄比亚的奥罗莫联邦主义大会已转向促进族裔至上和对阿姆哈拉人民的暴力,煽动奥罗莫地区的冲突。 The Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) in Ethiopia has shifted to promoting ethnic supremacy and violence against the Amhara people, inciting conflict in the Oromia region. 这已导致大量平民伤亡和战争罪行,并有大规模处决和性暴力的报告。 This has led to significant civilian casualties and war crimes, with reports of mass executions and sexual violence. 埃塞俄比亚非政府组织估计,5 000多名妇女在遭受性暴力后寻求医疗帮助。 Ethiopian NGOs estimate over 5,000 women have sought medical help after experiencing sexual violence. 部分由于关注其他全球冲突,国际社会在很大程度上仍未作出反应。 The international community has largely remained unresponsive, partly due to focusing on other global conflicts. 当地民兵Amhara Fano谴责ENDF杀害平民,呼吁进行国际调查和团结。 Amhara Fano, a local militia, condemns ENDF's killings of civilians, calling for international investigation and unity.