尼日利亚委员会要求对在博尔诺州被军方杀害的平民伸张正义。 Nigerian commission demands justice for civilians killed by military in Borno State.
尼日利亚国家人权委员会(NHRC)正在为在博尔诺州阿比萨里被军方杀害的平民寻求正义和赔偿。 The Nigerian National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is seeking justice and compensation for civilians killed by the military in Abisari, Borno State. 一个调查小组指控军队故意杀害平民,虽然排除了强迫堕胎。 An investigative panel accused the army of intentional civilian killings, though cleared them of forced abortions. 国家人权委员会呼吁起诉涉案人员,并在军队内部进行改革,以加强问责。 The NHRC is calling for the prosecution of those involved and reforms within the military to improve accountability.