诺福克市议会认为,休假的3名警官共有808 000美元的定居点。 Norfolk's City Council considers settlements totaling $808,000 for 3 police officials on leave.
Norfolk市议会正在考虑为警察局长Don Miller、Chad Reiman上尉和Josh Bauermeister中尉达成解决协议,由于正在进行的调查,他们于8月被放假。 Norfolk's City Council is considering settlement agreements for Police Chief Don Miller, Captain Chad Reiman, and Lieutenant Josh Bauermeister, who were placed on leave in August due to an ongoing investigation. 如果获得批准,定居点将看到Miller退休,Reiman和Bauermeister辞职,每人分别收到408 000美元、250 000美元和150 000美元的付款。 If approved, the settlements would see Miller retire, and Reiman and Bauermeister resign, each receiving payouts of $408,000, $250,000, and $150,000 respectively. 解决方案将使他们免于与调查有关的任何责任. The settlements would release them from any liability related to the investigation.