Adam Mason中校和Zachary Winters警官因不当行为而被指控,导致两名公民死亡。 Police officers Lt. Adam Mason and Zachary Winters faced charges for misconduct leading to two citizen deaths.
邓巴警察公务员委员会的报告显示,Adam Mason中校和Zachary Winters警官在公民Michael Scott和Robert Hensley死亡事件中违反了部门规则。 Reports from the Dunbar Police Civil Service Commission reveal that officers Lt. Adam Mason and Zachary Winters violated department rules in the deaths of citizens Michael Scott and Robert Hensley. 冬季对Scott过度使用武力,对这一事件不诚实,而两名军官在追逐导致Hensley死亡的追逐中无视追击规则。 Winters used excessive force on Scott and was dishonest about the incident, while both officers ignored pursuit rules during a chase that led to Hensley's death. 该市为Scott和Hensley的案件分别支付了200万美元和300 000美元。 The city paid $2 million and $300,000 in settlements for Scott and Hensley's cases, respectively. 冬天失去了他的下士军衔 Winters lost his rank of corporal. 市议会将决定接下来的步骤。 The City Council will decide the next steps.