尼日利亚军事部署打击拉库拉瓦教派,以保护平民和恢复和平。 Nigerian military deploys to fight Lakurawas sect, aiming to protect civilians and restore peace.
尼日利亚国防参谋长克里斯托弗·穆萨将军在索科托和凯比比州部署了一支特别行动旅,以打击拉库拉瓦教派。 General Christopher Musa, Nigeria's Chief of Defence Staff, has deployed a Special Operations Brigade to Sokoto and Kebbi states to combat the Lakurawas sect. 这是在 " 森林圣洁三行动 " 之后进行的,该行动摧毁了22个土匪营地,收缴了武器。 This follows Operation Forest Sanity III, which destroyed 22 bandit camps and recovered weapons. 部署的目的是消灭该教派、保护平民和恢复该区域的正常状态。 The deployment aims to eliminate the sect, protect civilians, and restore normalcy to the region.