尼日利亚军事报告对土匪和恐怖分子进行重大打击,消灭了主要领导人。 Nigerian military reports significant blows to bandits and terrorists, eliminating key leaders.
尼日利亚国防参谋长克里斯托弗·穆萨将军宣布在打击恐怖主义和土匪活动方面取得了重大进展。 The Chief of Defence Staff in Nigeria, Gen. Christopher Musa, announced significant progress in combating terrorism and banditry. 包括Kachana Nafaresh和Sani Black在内的著名土匪头目成为攻击目标,一些藏身之处被拆除。 Notable bandit leaders, including Kachana Nafaresh and Sani Black, have been targeted, with several hideouts dismantled. 军队正在强调各力量之间的合作和创新,以适应不断变化的安全威胁。 The military is emphasizing cooperation and innovation among forces to adapt to evolving security threats. 最近的行动还导致在扎姆法拉州消灭了两名主要土匪头目卡恰拉·格瓦马迪和卡恰拉·谢胡,削弱了该区域的恐怖主义存在。 Recent operations have also led to the elimination of two major bandit leaders, Kachalla Gwammade and Kachalla Shehu, in Zamfara State, weakening terrorist presence in the region.