尼日利亚总司令命令部队消灭在索科托大肆破坏的拉库拉瓦恐怖分子。 Nigerian general orders troops to eliminate Lakurawa terrorists wreaking havoc in Sokoto.
过去八年来,领导 " 范山亚玛行动 " 的奥洛伊因卡·索耶莱少将命令军队消灭在尼日利亚索科托活动的拉库拉瓦恐怖集团。 Major General Oluyinka Soyele, leading Operation Fansan Yamma, has ordered troops to eliminate the Lakurawa terrorist group operating in Sokoto, Nigeria, for the past eight years. Soyele强调,部队随时准备保护尼日利亚的边界,并呼吁地方社区支持情报分享,以打击恐怖主义并确保和平与发展。 Soyele emphasized the troops' readiness to protect Nigeria's borders and called for local community support in intelligence sharing to combat terrorism and ensure peace and development. 匪徒在该地区制造骚扰、路障、绑架和勒索。 The bandits have been causing harassment, roadblocks, kidnapping, and extortion in the area.