尼日利亚军队摧毁强盗营地,在塔拉巴州行动中收缴武器。 Nigerian military destroys bandit camps, recovers weapons in Taraba State operation.
作为GOLDEN和平行动的一部分,第6旅尼日利亚军队在Taraba州摧毁了几个土匪营地并收缴了武器。 Nigerian military forces from the 6th Brigade have destroyed several bandit camps and recovered weapons in Taraba State as part of Operation GOLDEN PEACE. 该行动以已知的藏身处为目标,追回了 27 发弹药、一个 AK-47 弹匣、一台收音机和两辆摩托车。 The operation targeted known hideouts, recovering 27 rounds of ammunition, one AK-47 magazine, a radio, and two motorcycles. 第6旅指挥官Kingsley Uwa准将说,这项行动旨在确保农场收获季节和Yuletide期间有一个安全环境。 The Commander of the 6th Brigade, Brigadier General Kingsley Uwa, stated that the operation aims to ensure a safe environment for the farm harvest season and the yuletide period.