Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj的60英尺新雕像正在Malvan建造,取代2021年倒塌的雕像。 A new 60-foot statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is being built in Malvan, replacing one that collapsed in 2021.
马哈拉施特拉邦政府已与Ram Sutar的律所签订合同, 在Malvan的Rajkot Fort建一座60英尺高的Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj铜像, 取代2021年8月倒塌的35英尺高的一座雕像。 The Maharashtra government has awarded a contract to Ram Sutar's firm to build a new 60-foot bronze statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj at Rajkot Fort in Malvan, replacing a 35-foot statue that collapsed in August 2021. 该项目在IIT-Bombay的指导下,将耗资约20.95卢比,并包括1个10英尺长的混凝土支点。 The project, guided by IIT-Bombay, will cost around Rs 20.95 crore and include a 10-foot concrete pedestal. 公司将负责雕像十年的维护工作 The firm will be responsible for the statue's maintenance for a decade.