Chetan Patil, 不是设计师, 而是一位顾问, 在印度的Shivaji雕像倒塌时被保释。 Chetan Patil, not the designer but a consultant, granted bail in the collapse of a Shivaji statue in India.
孟买高等法院准予Chetan Patil保释,他是一名在马哈拉施特拉邦Malvan35英尺长的Shivaji雕像倒塌时被捕的顾问。 The Bombay High Court has granted bail to Chetan Patil, a consultant arrested in the collapse of a 35-foot Shivaji statue in Malvan, Maharashtra. 帕蒂尔不是雕塑的设计师,而是向神殿提交了一份稳定性报告,报告完好无损。 Patil was not the statue's designer but submitted a stability report for the pedestal, which remained intact. 法院注意到,没有针对Patil提起任何诉讼。 The court noted no case was made against Patil. Jaydeep Apte, 雕塑家和承包商,仍然在押,他的保释请求不久将得到听取。 Jaydeep Apte, the sculptor and contractor, remains in custody, with his bail plea to be heard soon. 这场崩溃引发了公众抗议和政治辩论。 The collapse led to public protests and political debates.