Moody将法国的信用评级降级,以政治动荡和公共财政疲软为由。 Moody's downgrades France's credit rating, citing political turmoil and weak public finances.
Moody将法国的信用评级降为Aa3, 理由是政治分裂及其对公共财政的影响。 Moody's downgraded France's credit rating to Aa3, citing political fragmentation and its impact on public finances. 稳定的前景表明法国的信誉没有立即改变, 但穆迪预计未来三年财政会较弱, 政府减少财政赤字的可能性很小。 The stable outlook indicates no immediate change in France's creditworthiness, but Moody's expects weaker finances over the next three years, with low chances of the government reducing fiscal deficits. 这是在任命弗朗索瓦·贝鲁总理后出现政治动荡的情况下发生的。 This comes amid political turmoil following the appointment of Prime Minister Francois Bayrou.