评级机构穆迪和惠誉因债务减免目标存在不确定性,维持法国评级不变。 Ratings agencies Moody's and Fitch keep France's ratings unchanged due to uncertainty over debt reduction target.
由于对法国政府的债务削减目标存在疑虑,评级机构穆迪和惠誉维持对法国的评级不变。 Ratings agencies Moody's and Fitch maintain unchanged ratings for France amid doubts over the government's debt reduction target. 2023年,法国公共赤字将达到GDP的5.5%,超过政府4.9%的目标,债务占GDP的110.6%,位居欧盟第三位。 France's public deficit reached 5.5% of GDP in 2023, surpassing the government's 4.9% target, with debt at 110.6% of GDP, the third highest in the EU. 法国政府的目标是到2027年将债务占GDP的比重降至3%以下,但两家机构都对此表示不确定。 The French government aims to bring debt below 3% of GDP by 2027, but both agencies express uncertainty.