男子被控持有爆炸物和种植大麻;伦敦德里郡的房屋被疏散。 Man charged with possessing explosives and cultivating cannabis; homes evacuated in County Londonderry.
一名50岁的男子被控在可疑情况下拥有爆炸物、种植大麻和其他毒品犯罪,此前,他在Londanderry县Maghera附近发出安全警报。 A 50-year-old man was charged with possessing explosives under suspicious circumstances, cultivating cannabis, and other drug offenses following a security alert near Maghera, County Londonderry. 警报导致拉纳汉公路上的几所房屋疏散。 The alert led to the evacuation of several homes on Ranaghan Road. 他定于12月14日在Dungannon治安法院出庭。 He is set to appear in Dungannon Magistrates' Court on December 14.