一个27岁的Newcastle男子,因毒品供应和不合格驾驶而被捕,面临多项指控,没有保释。 A 27-year-old Newcastle man, arrested for drug supply and disqualified driving, faces multiple charges and no bail.
一名来自纽卡斯尔的27岁男子面临多重指控,包括毒品供应和在取消资格时驾车。 A 27-year-old man from Newcastle faces multiple charges including drug supply and driving while disqualified. 12月14日,他在交通停留后被警察逮捕,在那里缴获了一种据认为是违禁毒品、现金和电子装置的不明物质。 He was arrested by police on December 14 after a traffic stop, where an unknown substance believed to be a prohibited drug, cash, and electronic devices were seized. 他被控在取消资格、拥有和供应毒品、拥有爆炸物和处理犯罪所得期间驾车,被拒绝保释,并定于12月15日在Parramatta地方法院出庭。 Charged with driving during disqualification, possession and supply of drugs, possession of explosives, and dealing with proceeds of crime, he was denied bail and is set to appear in Parramatta Local Court on December 15.