在新西兰的警察突袭发现了大麻行动,导致对一名当地男子提出指控。 Police raid in New Zealand uncovers cannabis operation, leading to charges against a local man.
警方于1月17日突袭新西兰罗克斯堡一栋房屋, 发现有12个成熟植物种植大麻, Police raided a house in Roxburgh, New Zealand, on January 17, discovering a cannabis growing operation with 12 mature plants and packaged dried cannabis. 一名55岁的男子被指控拥有供应、种植和拥有种植设备。 A 55-year-old man was charged with possession for supply, cultivation, and possession of cultivation equipment. 还发现他持有3支不允许他拥有的高功率空中步枪。 He was also found with three high-powered air rifles he was not permitted to possess. 该名男子将于1月30日出庭。 The man will appear in court on January 30.