在休斯顿被打跑后被警察射杀的男子;疑犯无视命令,受伤但稳定。 Man shot by police after hit-and-run in Houston; suspect ignored orders, injured but stable.
在星期天早些时候发生的西休斯敦事件中,一名参与肇事逃逸事故的男子被警察开枪打死,因为他无视放下枪的命令。 In a west Houston incident early Sunday, a man involved in a hit-and-run crash was shot by police after he ignored commands to drop his gun. 这名男子在其中一辆撞车中被发现,被带往医院,伤势无致命危险。 The man, found in one of the crash vehicles, was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. 警方还在调查另一辆逃离现场的车辆的参与情况。 Police were also investigating the involvement of another vehicle that fled the scene. 这些官员被安排行政假,通过标准规程进行审查。 The officers, placed on administrative leave, are vetted through standard protocols.