俄罗斯总统警告称,加密货币挖矿将导致电力短缺,消耗总电力的 1.5%。 Russian President warns of power shortages due to cryptocurrency mining, consuming 1.5% of total electricity.
俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京警告了俄罗斯加密货币挖矿的风险,并表示加密货币挖矿可能导致区域性电力短缺,因为它消耗了该国近 1.5% 的总电力。 Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned about the risks of cryptocurrency mining in Russia, stating that it could lead to regional power shortages as it consumes almost 1.5% of the country's total electricity. 俄罗斯是世界上最大的加密货币挖矿国之一,克里姆林宫对这个不受监管的行业持怀疑态度。 Russia is one of the world's top cryptocurrency miners, with the Kremlin sceptical of the unregulated industry.