印度最高法院斥责德里警方在起诉1984年反锡克暴动案件方面未作出充分努力。 Indian Supreme Court rebukes Delhi Police for inadequate efforts in prosecuting 1984 anti-Sikh riot cases.
印度最高法院批评德里警察对1984年反锡克暴动案件中的无罪开释提出上诉的努力不足。 The Supreme Court of India criticized the Delhi Police for insufficient efforts in appealing acquittals in 1984 anti-Sikh riot cases. 在德里高等法院因拖延驳回一些上诉后,法院敦促更认真地起诉。 The court urged more earnest prosecution after the Delhi High Court dismissed some appeals due to delays. SN Dhinggra司法委员会以前在调查和起诉这些案件时发现有疏忽。 The Justice SN Dhingra committee previously found negligence in investigating and prosecuting these cases. 法庭将于2月17日再次审理此案。 The court will hear the case again on February 17.